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Plants in the Idaho Batholith - High Glacial Drift-Filled Valleys by Scientific Name where Location includes McCall and Native includes Yes and Weed includes No

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Grand fir (Abies grandis)
Abies grandis
Common Names grand fir
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Intergrades with white fir. Leaves: Needles, singular
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
rocky mountain maple (Acer glabrum)
Acer glabrum
Common Names rocky mountain maple
Family Maple
Flower Color Green-yellow
Plant Type Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)Achillea millefolium
Common Names yarrow
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
monkshood (Aconitum columbianum)Aconitum columbianum
Common Names monk's Hood
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Short Description 1.5 to 7 feet tall.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Serviceberry (Amelanchier alnifolia)Amelanchier alnifolia
Common Names serviceberry, saskatoon
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description 5 petals.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea)Anaphalis margaritacea
Common Names western pearly everlasting
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Piper's anemone, windflower (Anemone piperi)
Anemone piperi
Common Names Piper's anemone, windflower
Family Buttercup
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pearly Pussytoes (Antennaria anaphaloides)Antennaria anaphaloides
Common Names pearly pussytoes
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color White, yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Heart-leafed Arnica (Arnica cordifolia)Arnica cordifolia
Common Names heart-leafed arnica
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Leaves: Heart shaped
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
big sage, sagebrush, big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)
Artemisia tridentata
Common Names big sage, sagebrush, big sagebrush
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Watershed Malheur, Owyhee, Snake, Weiser
Weed No
showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster (Aster alpigenus var. haydenii)Aster alpigenus var. haydenii
Common Names showy aster, alpine aster, mountain aster
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata)Balsamorhiza sagittata
Common Names arrowleaf balsamroot
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall, McCall and many locations
Native Yes
Weed No
Indian paintbrush (Castilleja miniata)
Castilleja miniata
Common Names Indian paintbrush
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Orange, faded
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Rare in camp.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
buckbrush, snowbush (Ceanothus velutinus)
Ceanothus velutinus
Common Names buckbrush, snowbush
Family Buckthorn
Flower Color White
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Leaves persistent, N fixing genus. Leaves: Shiny upper side
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium)

Chamerion angustifolium
Common Names fireweed
Family Evening Primrose
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Prince's-Pine (Chimaphila umbellata)
Chimaphila umbellata
Common Names Prince's-Pine
Family Heath
Flower Color Pink, rose
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Very short shrubby perenial.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
blue clematis (Clematis columbiana)
Clematis columbiana
Common Names blue clematis
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Vine
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Clintonia, Queen's Cup (Clintonia uniflora)Clintonia uniflora
Common Names Clintonia, Queen's Cup
Family Lily
Flower Color Waxy white
Plant Type Forb
Short Description Short perennial, usually has single flowers.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Blue-eyed Mary (Collinsia parviflora)
Collinsia parviflora
Common Names blue-eyed Mary
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Blue and white
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Very small plant, flowers.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Corallorhiza maculata
Common Names spotted coral-root
Family Orchid
Flower Color Brown, red, white
Short Description Saprophyte, forest floor. Leaves: No green leaves
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Corallorhiza trifida
Common Names early coral-root
Family Orchid
Flower Color Yellowish
Short Description Saprophyte, forest floor. Leaves: No green leaves
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
red-osier dogwood(Cornus stolonifera)
Cornus stolonifera
Common Names red-osier dogwood
Family Dogwood
Flower Color White
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Red branched shrub.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
horsetail (Equisetum arvense)
Equisetum arvense
Common Names horsetail
Family Horsetail
Flower Color -none-
Plant Type Forb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
gray rabbitbrush, rubber rabbitbrush, gray rabbit brush, rubber rabbit brush (Ericameria nauseosa)
Ericameria nauseosa
Common Names rubber rabbitbrush, gray rabbitbrush, gray rabbit brush, rubber rabbit brush
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Gray rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa) grows throughout Malheur County and surrounding areas of the intermountain west. It is an early succession plant following fire. Gray rabbitbrush is also known as rubber rabbitbrush and is a member of the Composite or Aster family.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Virginia strawberry, wild strawberry (Fragaria virginiana)Fragaria virginiana
Common Names Virginia strawberry, wild strawberry
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Frasera montana
Common Names white frasera
Family Gentian
Flower Color White, cream
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Small perrenial.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Sticky Geranium (Geranium viscosissimum)Geranium viscosissimum
Common Names sticky geranium, sticky purple geranium
Family Geranium
Flower Color Pink, purple
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Leaves: Palmately divided
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Scarlet Gilia (Gilia aggregata)Gilia aggregata
Common Names scarlet gilia
Family Phlox
Flower Color Red
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera oblongifolia)Goodyera oblongifolia
Common Names rattlesnake plantain
Family Orchid
Flower Color -dull-
Plant Type Forb
Short Description Forest floor. Leaves: White stripe on midrib
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
bog orchid (Habenaria dilatata)
Habenaria dilatata
Common Names bog orchid
Family Orchid
Flower Color White
Plant Type Forb
Short Description Thin spikelike raceme of flowers.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum)
Heracleum lanatum
Common Names cow parsnip
Family Parsley
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Photosensitive skin reaction, wet soil. Is poisonous to humans.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Western Larch (Larix occidentalis)Larix occidentalis
Common Names western larch
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Twinflower (Linnaea borealis) close-upLinnaea borealis
Common Names twinflower
Family Honeysuckle
Flower Color Pink
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description A very small shrub like vine that grows as an understory in pine forests, 4 in tall, hugs soil or rock surface.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
black twinberry (Lonicera involucrata)
Lonicera involucrata
Common Names black twinberry
Family Honeysuckle
Flower Color Pale yellow
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
red twinberry, Utah honeysuckle (Lonicera utahensis)
Lonicera utahensis
Common Names red twinberry, Utah honeysuckle
Family Honeysuckle
Flower Color Pale Yellow or Red
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Oregon Grape (Mahonia repens)Mahonia repens
Common Names Oregon grape
Family Barberry
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Grape-like berries. Leaves: Prickly toothed leaflets
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Lewis' monkeyflower(Mimulus lewisii)Mimulus lewisii
Common Names Lewis' monkeyflower
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Magenta
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Penstemon spp.
Common Names penstemon, beardtongue
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Purple
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Wilcoxs penstemon (Penstemon wilcoxii)Penstemon wilcoxii
Common Names Wilcoxs penstemon
Family Figwort or Snapdragon
Flower Color Purple, blue
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Common summer flower at McCall, ID.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Englemann Spruce (Picea engelmannii)Picea engelmannii
Common Names Englemann spruce
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Spire shaped tree, 4 angled needles. Leaves: Sharp needles
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta)Pinus contorta
Common Names lodgepole pine
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Medium length needles, thin bark, small cones. Leaves: needles in 2's
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa)
Pinus ponderosa
Common Names ponderosa pine
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Long needled, thick puzzle bark. Leaves: Needles in 3's
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
black cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)
Populus trichocarpa
Common Names black cottonwood
Family Willow
Flower Color -none-
Plant Type Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
cinquefoil (Potentilla spp.)
Potentilla spp.
Common Names cinquefoil
Family Rose
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
bittercherry (Prunus emarginata)
Prunus emarginata
Common Names bittercherry
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Shrub - Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
common chokecherry (Prunus virginiana)Prunus virginiana
Common Names common chokecherry
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Common Names Douglas fir
Family Pine
Plant Type Tree
Short Description Needles around stem, tounges on cones. Leaves: Needles singular
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum)
Pteridium aquilinum
Common Names bracken fern
Family Polypod
Flower Color -none-
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Bracken fern is a common forest understory fern.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pyrola chlorantha
Common Names green pyrola
Family Heath
Flower Color Green-white
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pyrola secunda
Common Names sidebells pyrola
Family Heath
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Short Description 9-12" tall.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pyrola sp
Common Names lesser pyrola
Family Heath
Flower Color Pink, rose
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
buttercup (Ranunculus sp)
Ranunculus sp
Common Names buttercup
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Rubus idaeus
Common Names red raspberry
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
thimbleberry (Rubus parviflorus)
 Rubus parviflorus
Common Names thimbleberry
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Red edible berries, very large leaves.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
western coneflower (Rudbeckia occidentalis)Rudbeckia occidentalis
Common Names western coneflower
Family Composites, Sunflower
Flower Color Brown
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Brown cone, not showy.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Red elderberry (Sambucus racemosa)
Sambucus racemosa
Common Names red elderberry
Family Honeysuckle
Flower Color Cream white
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Pith in center of stem. Leaves: Pinnately divided
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
False Solomon's Seal (Smilacina racemosa)
Smilacina racemosa
Common Names false Solomon's Seal
Family Lily
Flower Color White
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Mountain-ash or rowan (Sorbus sp.)Sorbus sp
Common Names rowan, mountain ash, mountain-ash
Family Rose
Flower Color Cream white
Plant Type Shrub - Tree
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
shiny-leaf spirea(Spiraea betulifolia)Spiraea betulifolia
Common Names shiny-leaf spirea
Family Rose
Flower Color White
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Douglas Spirea (Spiraea douglasii)Spiraea douglasii
Common Names Douglas spirea
Family Rose
Flower Color Pink, rose
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Pyramid spirea (Spiraea pyramidata)Spiraea pyramidata
Common Names pyramid spirea
Family Rose
Flower Color Pink
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
snowberry (Symphoricarpos oreophilus)
Symphoricarpos oreophilus
Common Names snowberry
Family Honeysuckle
Flower Color White to pink
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Conspicuous white fruit.
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Meadow Rue (Thalictrum occidentale)Thalictrum occidentale
Common Names meadow rue
Family Buttercup
Flower Color Brown
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
golden pea (Thermopsis montana)
Thermopsis montana
Common Names golden pea
Family Legume or Pea
Flower Color Yellow
Plant Type Herb
Short Description Not palatable to livestock
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
Trillium (Trillium ovatum)flower close-upTrillium ovatum
Common Names trillium
Family Lily
Flower Color White to pink
Plant Type Forb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
grouse whortleberry, red huckleberry (Vaccinium scoparium)
Vaccinium scoparium
Common Names grouse whortleberry, red huckleberry
Family Heath
Flower Color Red
Plant Type Shrub
Short Description Leaves: Very small shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
huckleberry (Vaccinium sp)
Vaccinium sp
Common Names huckleberry
Family Heath
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes, Yes
Weed No
huckleberry (Vaccinium sp)
Vaccinium sp
Common Names huckleberry
Family Heath
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Shrub
Location McCall
Native Yes, Yes
Weed No
Valerian (Valeriana sp.)Valeriana sp.
Common Names valerian
Family Valerian
Flower Color White
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No
early blue violet (Viola adnuca var. unknown)
Viola adnuca var. unknown
Common Names early blue violet
Family Violet
Flower Color Blue
Plant Type Herb
Location McCall
Native Yes
Weed No